• TEL: 516-334-0066
  • STORE HOURS: Monday - Sunday: 10am-6pm
Customer Reviews







        Planters & Plant Pots

        Planter - Basic Rim - Sandstone - 12-inch


        Planter - Basic Rim - Sandstone - 16-inch


        Planter - Basic Rim - Sandstone - 20-inch


        Planter - Basic Rim - Sandstone - 24-inch


        Planter - Basic Rim - Sandstone - 27-inch


        Planter - Basic Rim - Terra Cotta - 12-inch


        Planter - Basic Rim - Terra Cotta - 16-inch


        Planter - Basic Rim - Terra Cotta - 20-inch


        Planter - Basic Rim - Terra Cotta - 24-inch


        Planter - Basic Rim - Terra Cotta - 27-inch


        Planter - Basic Rim - Charcoal - 20-inch


        Planter - Basic Rim - Charcoal - 16-inch


        Planter - Basic Rim - Charcoal - 24-inch


        Planter - Cylinder with Saucer - Off White - 11.5-inch


        Planter - Cylinder with Saucer - Off White - 18.5-inch


        Planter - Rustic with Stand - Off White - 11.5-inch


        Planter - Euro Round - Black - 13-inch


        Planter - Euro Round - Sandstone - 13-inch


        Planter - Euro Round - Off White - 13-inch


        Planter - Euro Round - Black - 16-inch


        Planter - Euro Round - Sandstone - 16-inch


        Planter- Euro Round - Off White - 16-inch


        Planter - Lattice Bowl - Charcoal - 13-inch


        Planter - Lattice Bowl - Off White - 13-inch


        Planter - Lattice Bowl - Charcoal - 16-inch


        Planter - Lattice Bowl - Off White - 16-inch


        Planter - Lattice Bowl - Charcoal - 18-inch


        Planter - Rustic Ellipse - Off White - 16-inch


        Planter - Rustic Ellipse - Off White - 23-inch


        Planter - Linea Low - Charcoal - 18-inch


        Planter - Linea Low - Off White - 18-inch


        Planter - Linea Low - Charcoal - 23-inch


        Planter - Linea Low - Off White - 23-inch


        Planter - Linea Low - Charcoal - 31-inch


        Planter - Modern Conical - Black - 11-inch


        Planter - Modern Conical - Sandstone - 11-inch


        Planter - Modern Conical - Off White - 11-inch


        Planter - Modern Conical - Black - 15-inch


        Planter - Modern Conical - Sandstone - 15-inch


        Planter - Modern Conical - Off White - 15-inch


        Planter - Modern Conical - Black - 21-inch


        Planter - Modern Conical - Sandstone - 21-inch


        Planter - Modern Conical - Off White - 21-inch


        Planter - Modern Square - Black - 13"x17"


        Planter - Modern Square - Sandstone - 13" x 17"


        Planter - Modern Square - Off White - 13" x 17"


        Planter - Modern Square - Black - 14" x 21"


        Planter - Modern Square - Sandstone - 14" x 21"


        Planter - Square- Off White - 14" x 21"


        Planter - Modern Square - Black - 18" x 30"


        Planter - Modern Square - Sandstone - 18" x 30"


        Planter - Modern Square - Off White - 18" x 30"


        Planter - Rectangle - Black - 31" x 12" x 10"


        Planter - Rectangle - Sandstone - 31" x 12" x 10"


        Planter - Rectangle - Black - 36" x 15" x 15"


        Planter - Rectangle - Charcoal - 36" x 15" x 15"


        Planter - Rectangle - Sandstone - 36" x 15" x 15"


        Planter - Rustic Ellipse - Charcoal - 16-inch


        Planter - Rustic Ellipse - Charcoal - 23-inch


        Planter - Rustic Ellipse - Charcoal - 31-inch


        Planter - Rustic Ellipse - White - 31-inch


        Planter - Linea - Charcoal - 20-inch


        Planter - Linea - Off White - 20-inch


        Planter - Linea Low - Off White - 31-inch


        Noah Planter - Red - 14-inch


        Noah Planter - Red - 10-inch


        Noah Planter - Red - 8-inch


        Matteo Planter - Blue - 18.5-inch


        Matteo Planter - Blue - 14-inch


        Mila Planter - Orange - 20-inch


        Matteo Planter - Off White - 18.5-inch


        Matteo Planter - Off White - 14-inch


        Luca Planter - Blue - 16.5-inch


        Saucer - Luca - Off White - 18-inch


        Saucer - Luca - Off White - 14-inch


        Saucer - Luca - Off White - 10-inch


        Saucer - Matteo - Burnt Orange - 16-inch


        Saucer - Matteo - Burnt Orange - 10-inch


        Saucer - Matteo - Green - 16-inch


        Saucer - Matteo - Green - 12-inch


        Saucer - Matteo - Green - 10-inch


        Saucer - Matteo - Off White - 16-inch


        Saucer - Matteo - Off White - 12-inch


        Saucer - Matteo - Off White - 10-inch


        Saucer - Matteo - Blue - 16-inch


        Saucer - Matteo - Blue - 12-inch


        Saucer - Matteo - Blue - 10-inch


        Saucer - Matteo - Burnt Orange - 12-inch


        Saucer - Luca - Blue - 10-inch


        Saucer- Luca - Blue - 14-inch


        Saucer - Round - Sandstone - 11-inch


        Saucer - Round - Sandstone - 14-inch


        Saucer - Round - Sandstone - 16-inch


        Saucer - Round - Sandstone - 18-inch


        Saucer - Round - Sandstone - 20-inch


        Saucer - Round - Charcoal - 11-inch


        Saucer - Round - Charcoal - 14-inch


        Saucer - Round - Charcoal - 18-inch


        Saucer - Round - Charcoal - 20-inch


        Saucer - Square - Black - 14-inch

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